Optic Health

What is LUTEIN and why is it needed?

Lutein and zeaxanthin formed from it in the tissues of the eye are the main pigments of the macula located in the center of the retina of the eyes. It is this area that is responsible for clear and high-quality vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin selectively absorb the harmful blue part of the light flux spectrum (protective shielding function) and neutralize the destructive effect if some part of the rays nevertheless penetrated the delicate structures of the retina (antioxidant function). It was discovered only in 1985 and made a real sensation. Several years later, numerous clinical trials began around the world. It turned out that lutein deficiency leads to the accumulation of destructive changes in the tissues of the eye and irreversible deterioration of vision. It has become especially relevant now.


Where is LUTEIN contained?

In yellow-red vegetables and fruits, in dark leafy vegetables. These are orange peppers, sweet corn, black grapes, persimmons, broccoli, spinach, avocado. Of the non-plant foods, lutein is found in large quantities in eggs. With all the fuss and constant lack of time in the life of a modern person, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits must be present in the daily diet. In some cases, dietary intake of lutein may not be sufficient.

When is LUTEIN missing?

Elderly people often develop retinal dystrophy, a condition that leads to permanent loss of vision. It is for people with this disease that it is recommended, first of all, to increase the intake of lutein in combination with the main course of treatment, as well as in the intervals between courses. The attending doctor can advise the optimal dose and regimen. In some cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, there is a decrease in the concentration of lutein in the blood. In these cases, it is advisable to take lutein as a preventive measure. For those who often sit at the computer and sometimes their eyes can get tired, taking lutein is a must. The use of lutein can also be recommended for perfectly healthy people with prolonged work on a computer, a symptom of “eye fatigue” when working with welding machines, flashlights,



Lutein is produced primarily as a dietary supplement in combination with several vitamins essential for the eyes. Because of the greatest importance of lutein, this word usually appears in the names of all drugs. There are drugs of American and European production on the market. From domestic it should be noted a new food supplement “Vitus Healthy Eyes”, which includes lutein isolated from the petals of calendula inflorescences.

Lutein preparations have existed on the pharmaceutical market for about 10 years. During this time, reliable clinical data have been accumulated, proving that the daily use of lutein-containing products significantly reduces the risk of retinal diseases.

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