General Wellness, Weight Loss

Chromium Picolinate Effectivity for Weight Loss – Reality or Myth?

Chromium picolinate is a compound of chromium and picolinic acid. Chromium is a naturally occurring trace mineral found in many foods such as meat, poultry, fish, and whole-grain breads. According to experts, its daily rate in the body should be 130 mcg, but chromium is very difficult to absorb, as for even supplements with this microelement. Fortunately, a way was found to solve this problem, namely, chromium acquired a transport system in the form of picolinic acid, the function of which is precisely to ensure the absorption of the maximum amount of chromium.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

How does chromium picolinate work?

After a meal, insulin is released. In total, the main function of insulin is to transport glucose across the cell membrane to start the process of producing the energy needed for all cells to function. The peculiarity of chromium picolinate is that it stimulates the activity of insulin, by increasing the metabolism of glucose and fats. However, how the effect of chromium picolinate on insulin activity occurs is still not fully understood.

Chromium Picolinate Benefits

At the moment, there are several hypotheses, both confirming and debating the effectiveness of chromium picolinate for our body. Let us turn our attention, first of all, to statements confirming its positive influence.

Decreased insulin resistance

If we talk about the original purpose of this supplement, then according to the statements of its developers, it can help in the fight against excess weight, while maintaining lean muscle mass. This effect has been attributed to the amazing properties of chromium, which promotes more efficient insulin release, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This is why chromium supplements are so popular among people with diabetes, insulin resistance, and low blood sugar. Some scientists attribute this effect to the ability of chromium picolinate to improve the sensitivity of insulin receptors.

Decreased appetite

Chromium Picolinate is popular with people looking to suppress appetite and keep food in check. Elderly people are especially interested in this supplement, whose body does not produce enough chromium, and the ability to control their appetite can significantly help in conditions of losing excess weight. Moreover, many experts state that the improved effectiveness of insulin, stimulated by chromium picolinate, improves the production of serotonin, which subsequently reduces appetite.

Lower cholesterol levels

According to some scientists, chromium picolinate may lower blood cholesterol levels, as evidenced by studies in people who have decreased blood triglyceride levels after taking chromium picolinate supplements. Although it did not affect other types of cholesterol.

Other experiments involving people with normal and high cholesterol levels have found that chromium picolinate lowers total cholesterol levels. The amount of high-density lipoprotein known as bad cholesterol has decreased, and the level of good cholesterol has increased.

Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Many experts believe that the quality of the cardiovascular system depends on the level of chromium picolinate in the body. The less chromium in the body, the greater the likelihood of disturbances in the functioning of the heart, regardless of whether a person is diabetic or overweight.

Weight loss and increased protein synthesis

There is also speculation that chromium picolinate can regulate the processes of fat production in the body, thus preventing excess weight. Another hypothesis is that this compound can increase protein synthesis, thereby supporting muscle growth.

There have also been studies confirming the effectiveness of chromium picolinate in combination with carnitine, namely, an increase in the volume of lost fat was found in the experimental group in which chromium picolinate was taken. Some other studies have confirmed the effectiveness of chromium picolinate for weight loss and muscle growth, but they have been carried out in animals. No experiments are confirming the repetition of such an effect on humans.

Does chromium picolinate really help you lose weight?

However, not everyone shares the optimism about the effectiveness of chromium picolinate, as evidenced by studies that refute the effectiveness of this compound.

In 1995, a study was conducted to test the effectiveness of chromium picolinate in the fight against obesity. Overweight men and women took part in the experiment, and the criterion for obesity was an excess of the generally accepted norm by 22 percent for men and 30 percent for women. During the study, the subjects did aerobics three times a week for half an hour. One part of the subjects received 400 μg of chromium picolinate as a sports supplement, and the other received a placebo.

Height, weight and body fat were measured at the start of the study and after 16 weeks. The results obtained did not reveal any changes in the control (taking placebo) and experimental (taking chromium picolinate) groups, which led to the conclusion that there was no relationship between the consumption of chromium picolinate and weight loss.

In 1997, the effectiveness of chromium picolinate was tested on overweight women. Subjects took either 200 mcg of chromium picolinate or a placebo with or without training. In addition, the women were asked to stick to their dietary patterns. After nine weeks, no changes were found in the control and experimental groups. Firstly, it was found that chromium picolinate does not contribute to the loss of extra pounds, and secondly, in the group of subjects taking chromium picolinate and not experiencing physical exertion, weight gain was found. This circumstance led to the conclusion that chromium picolinate is ineffective in the fight against extra pounds.

The following study was conducted on men who did strength training to increase strength in all muscle groups. The experimental group received chromium picolinate, and the control group received a placebo. After eight weeks, both groups were tested for increases in strength and lean muscle mass. While the increase in these indicators was the result of intense strength training, there was no difference in both groups. In addition, there were no cases of loss of kilograms in the experimental and control groups.

Since chromium picolinate is sometimes positioned as a natural alternative to steroids, they decided to test its properties on athletes. The study was conducted in 1998. It was attended by athletes who are in the training phase, which involves the development of muscle strength, and not the loss of extra pounds. For 14 weeks, they lived on a pre-season training program, with one group taking a placebo and the other group taking chromium picolinate. The results were no different from previous studies, as none of the groups reported any weight loss or gains in muscle mass and strength.

Thus, most of the scientific research on the effectiveness of chromium picolinate suggests that this compound cannot be used in a weight loss program.

Side effects of chromium picolinate

Consumption of chromium picolinate is considered safe, but some mild side effects have been observed. In total, they are expressed by headaches, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Thus, it is rather difficult to talk about the degree of effectiveness of chromium picolinate at the moment, since, on the one hand, there are opinions and some confirmation of its effectiveness, on the other hand, there is even more evidence that this compound does not have all properties attributed to it. In any case, chromium, like any trace element, must enter our body every day, and the fact that picolinic acid contributes to its unhindered delivery justifies the making of this compound.

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